The Environment, Gender And Disaster Movement

Book Cover: The Environment, Gender And Disaster Movement

Penerbit           : UNS Press

Deskripsi Buku

Talking about environmental, gender and disaster issues becomes very interesting where climate change occurs and commitments about sustainable development. This book contains efforts to protect the environment from a gender perspective so that disaster risk can be reduced, such as…onservation, Gender Role, Disaster Movement and Environment al management, Functional Identity of apple Farmers for Environmental Resilience in Batu City, East java Indonesia, Ecofeminism and Survival mechanism for Rufaiyah Batik Chraftsment During The Covid 19 Period

In addition, policies that are expected to reduce disasters and the environment are also presented in the following text : The Dynamic Governance For Supporting Gender Equality : a Case Studi at The Ministry of Indonesia, Natural Corruption of our Natural Resources: Natural or by Design

 This book also contains women’s movements in an effort to protect the environment as Thinking Protect Mother Earth Like Liliputians Againts Gulliver: The Vague Memories of Kendeng Mountains; Social Movement, Gender Role and Local Food.

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